Sunday, January 17, 2016


Has been a very strange year. Incredibly warm autumn into record breaking mild winter. They call it an El Nino - I call it shut the hell up already and let's do some fishing!! Never thought that I'd be out on the lake (Lake Erie) trout fishing from my kayak in the middle of January! And never before has there been so many baitfish. So much baitfish that for the most part the walleye don't even see the lure. So much abundance the steelhead don't feel it necessary to leave the lake and head up river. Everything they need is right here. And with all this gorging I predict there will be some new record breakers this bizarre year of 2016. Who knows, didn't win the Powerball drawing, but I might get lucky and land a Fish Ohio qualifier. Not that being my goal, I just seek adventure and trying to live life to the fullest. It does get easier when you're already supposed to be dead....