Been on the road for a few weeks - Birmingham, Alabama and Georgia. Had very little opportunity to do much fishing. What fishing I did was rather disappointing. I could only get my fly rod on the airplane because it is a 4 piece. The leader was too thin and kept snapping trying to pull in grass carp. I lost my last hook on a giant turtle and decided to call it quits until I made back home, back up north to my cold Lake Erie. And cold it has been! It snowed this past weekend, but now, though it only got to a high of 44 today, tomorrow it will sky rocket to 70, and I plan to be out on the chilly lake waters on the kayak. I'll be using the virgin bait caster paired with a short Gander Mountain Vertex rod, and my newest Shimano Symetre 4000FL with heavier than normal line (14 lbs). Usually I'll fish with 8 lbs flourocarbon, but I have this feeling there's something big waiting out there for me....

Like raiding the ark of the covenant! But I'm going to travel feather light on this adventure. The best bet will be the spoons. If all else fails I can jump to jig & maggot.
I get rather worn out from carrying so much gear all the time. These are some of the cameras I use.
This is the rig I roll in, sometimes for a month at a time.
With a yellow lab named, Buster behind the wheel. He stops at all the fire hydrants.
Alabama sunset.
By Monday I'll have a new addition to my arsenal - GoPro 4 Black. This will add a video element via Youtube link. I have more product reviews to post soon, not just fishing gear and apparel, but of photographic equipment and tips and secrets I've learned over the years wanting to pass on. Well, it's after midnight, Happy Easter everyone....
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